Learning how to dismantle gender bias in the workplace with The Band of Sisters.
On November 10, 2022 Tracy-Locke hosted a truly special live event with the The Band of Sisters – six marketing giants who have seen it all from the bottom rung to the Boardroom. Cie Nicholson, Katie Lacey, Lori Tauber Marcus Angelique Bellmer Kremb, Dawn Hudson & Mitzi Short are all women who have broken barriers as CMOs, corporate leaders and board members at companies such as PepsiCo, the NFL, Keurig, Equinox, ESPN and more. They have now turned their passion into action as they work to topple the last beams of gender bias in the workplace and drive a culture of true equity, inclusion and belonging.
In an engaging and energetic panel-style discussion with our agency, The Band of Sisters shared their experiences and practical, common-sense solutions to better identify unconscious bias in the workplace and take action. They answered questions from the audience, sharing ways to be an ally and proactively change the conversation to create a more inclusive environment for all. Especially, how small acts and shifts in mindsets can make a big difference.
The event was held in our Wilton office and streamed live so our other offices as well as our Omnicom Commerce Group partners could participate. We cannot express how fortunate we were to hear from this group of highly sought-after speakers. This “extra-office moment” was incredibly insightful and inspiring, leaving people feeling empowered as we continue to build the kind of company, we are all proud to work at.
If you haven’t read it yet, we encourage you to grab a copy of their book You Should Smile More and check them out at https://thebandofsisters.com