It’s been called “Purple Drank” and “Robo-tripping”, but it’s mostly known as “Lean”. Glorified in popular culture, teens make lean by mixing Dextromethorphan, an ingredient found in OTC cough syrup, and clear soda. The Consumer Healthcare Products Association (CHPA) asked us to create a campaign that would warn teens of its dangerous side effects in a way they could relate to.
Today, teens are consumed with social media and the way they are portrayed to their network (which could be in the millions). Because of this obsession with likes, loves and views, teens are terrified of anything that may cause them social shame.
Tapping into the socially obsessed world of teenagers, we leveraged Tik Tok cues and behavior to bring the harsh reality of lean to life. Our emotionally gripping campaign showed teens just how easily lean can turn a content-worthy night into a cringe-worthy nightmare.